Pest Management Systems for your customers
Customers are becoming increasingly tech savvy and are expecting real-time access to data to enable them to manage pest activity on their sites.
Technicians with ServiceTracker complete each Treatment Report on their mobile and it’s available to customers immediately online
The system records individual actions linking them into a plan of works. Customer teams and internal pest management teams can then easily prioritise the work that needs to be carried out
At all times customers can see an overview of all sites, where the problems are, who is assigned to rectify them and when the action is due to be closed off
How does it work for me?
- Visibility of sites’ Open Actions and Outstanding Visits
- View Completed Visits and Inspections
- Create and Manage Actions
- Visibility of Inspection Analysis (EFK and Bird)
- Visibility of Quotes and Invoices
- View and print all Site Visit Reports
- Content Management and Document Libraries
EFK Reporting and Trend Analysis
- Quantities of pest activity are captured electronically for each catch tray on each inspection
- Trends are then plotted and accessible in graphical format, online through the portal and within reports
- Threshold limits can trigger an action to be created for further investigation
- Bait Station Management
- Action Management
- Communication and Escalation Reports
- eLog Books
Paperless log books are available for all your sites through one secure log-in, giving you access to:
- Risk Assessments, Method Statements, COSHH Assessments
- Summary and Detailed Treatment Reports
- Highlight Reports for any problem sites
- Audit trail of all remedial action taken
- Customisable Reports and Dashboards
Sophisticated Data Analysis Tools
Risk & Compliance
Come talk to us about ServiceTracker and how we can give your customers access to their pest management data in real-time. Our systems are designed with customers in mind every step of the way.
Deploying ServiceTracker within your business will not only increase your internal productivity, it will delight your customers. Particularly your BRC customers and multi-site customers where management information is critical.
Call 033 022 31022 or email